PI Group Launches Economical Sub-Miniature Precision Positioning Stages At 2014 Photonics West

San Francisco, CA, PI (Physik Instrumente) LP just introduced a new generation of economical, miniaturized positioning stages with piezo-inertia motor drives at this year’s SPIE Photonics West conference. Linear and rotation stages are available in open and closed loop designs.
Small, Self-Locking, Low Power, Nanometer Resolution
The new LPS-22 series of economical mini positioning stages are driven by a compact piezo inertia motor. They are offered with travel ranges of ¼ inch, ½ inch and 1 inch. Featuring dimensions as small as 22x22x10mm, the LPS-22 is one of the smallest precision linear stages currently available on the market.
Open-loop and encoder equipped versions are available enabling resolution down to 1 nm. The optimized piezo motor drive allows for push/pull forces to 3N (1/2 pound) and velocity to 10 mm/sec. The new linear stages can be combined to XY units and rotation can be added in form of the new RPS rotation stages. These ultra-low profile rotators available with diameters of 14, 22 and 32 mm and feature a profile height as low as 7mm. No adapter plates are required for mounting.
Optics alignment & assembly, photonics, microscopy, beam-line instrumentation, medical engineering and bio-technology
Why PIShift Piezo Inertia Motors?
The integrated PIShift type piezo ceramic inertia motors provide several advantages over classical motor drives: smaller, lower energy consumption, nanometer resolution and self-locking, i.e. at the end of each move, the stage locks its platform into place with no drift and no current draw. This provides better stability and removes the need for a motor brake.
Options, Drive Electronics
The stages are available in open-loop versions and with direct encoders for closed-loop operation. Vacuum and non-magnetic designs are also available. Several drive options from OEM driver boards to closed-loop servo controllers with USB interface are offered. Custom designs are also available.
About PI
PI is a leading manufacturer of precision motion control equipment, piezo systems, piezo motors and actuators for photonics, bio-nanotechnology, medical engineering & semiconductor applications. PI has been developing and manufacturing standard & custom precision products with piezoceramic and electromagnetic drives for 4 decades. The company has been ISO 9001 certified since 1994 and provides innovative, high-quality solutions for OEM and research. PI is present worldwide with eight subsidiaries, R&D / engineering on 3 continents and total staff of 750+.
Source: PI (Physik Instrumente) LP