Handheld Spectrum Analyzers: MS2720T Series Brochure
Anritsu’s MS2720T Series is the seventh generation of the Spectrum MasterTM handheld spectrum analyzer family.
Quickly Evaluate High Performance Oscillators With A Phase Noise Analyzer
The process of evaluating the performance of ultra-low-phase noise oscillators requires phase noise test systems with lower measurement times, lower noise floor capabilities, and high reliability and repeatability of test data.
Microwave Site Master Handheld Cable and Antenna Analyzer: S820E Datasheet
Anritsu’s Site Master™ S820E is the highest performance, rugged, hand-held microwave cable/antenna analyzer covering 1 MHz to 40 GHz range. Utilizing the latest advancements in NLTL technology, the S820E architecture enables benchtop performance in a portable package.
Foldable Antennas for Tactical and Field Applications: ARA-2576 Datasheet
This datasheet contains a sample image of the ARA-2576 foldable antennas, a detailed description of the antennas, and their specifications. These antennas are ideal for harsh environments and tactical/field applications.
500 Watts CW Solid-State Amplifier: 500W1000B Datasheet
This solid-state amplifier covers the 80 MHz to 1000 MHz frequency range and uses push-pull circuitry in its higher power stages in order to lower distortion and improve stability. It’s particularly well suited for applications that require an amplifier with high gain and instantaneous bandwidth.
Precision RF & Microwave Components
Anritsu's RF and Microwave components offer high return loss connectors and cables, instrumentation grade adapters, precision terminations, measurement components, and accessories.
Datasheet: 75 Watt CW, 10 kHz To 250 MHz RF Power Amplifier
The Model 75A250A from AR is a portable, self-contained, air-cooled, broadband, solid state amplifier unit designed for laboratory applications where instantaneous bandwidth, high gain and moderate power output are required. Utilization of push-pull MOSFET circuitry lowers distortion, improves stability and allows operation into any load impedance without damage.
10,000 Watt RF Power Amplifier: 10000A225A-A Datasheet
This RF solid state CW amplifier has become the industry standard for conducting radiated immunity testing for entire automobiles, producing 10.000 watts over the instantaneous 10kHz to 225 MHZ frequency band with harmonic distortion better than 20 dBc.
Datasheet: 2000TP2G8B: 2000 Watt Pulse only, 2.5 - 7.5 GHz Broadband TWT Amplifier
The Model 2000TP2G8B is a self contained, forced air cooled, broadband traveling wave tube (TWT) microwave amplifier designed for pulse applications at low to moderate duty factors where instantaneous bandwidth and high gain are required. A reliable TWT provides a conservative 2000 watts minimum peak RF pulse power at the amplifier output connector. Stated power specifications are at fundamental frequency
30 Watts CW Broadband Amplifier: 30S1G6 Datasheet
This self-contained, air-cooled broadband amplifier covers the 0.7 to 6 GHz frequency range and has a 30 watt output power. It’s ideal for applications that require instantaneous bandwidth and high gain.